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Karen Tobler

I’m 15 years old, and loved this game!

By Riddle of the Sphinx Testimonials, Testimonials No Comments

I’m 15 years old, and loved this game! I just finished it and thought that it was amazing! I’ve been studying ancient Egypt for about a year now and hope to make it a future career, and this game was so amazing for me. I just wanted to thank the people that made this game and thought that a game about Egypt would be fun. I’m looking forward to seeing sequels, hopefully, to this game. There’s no doubt that I’ll be one of the first to get it. Thanks Again!

– Sara

We get to spend a lot of mother – daughter time together…

By Riddle of the Sphinx Testimonials, Testimonials No Comments

This is just a note to say that my 13 yr. old daughter and I love this game! She received it as a Christmas present this year and we get to spend a lot of mother – daughter time together because we both are enjoying the challenge. Thank you for creating a challenging game that does not promote violence, sex, drugs, etc. I hope there will be a sequel coming soon!

– Best Regards, Michelle Pawloski

I could spend hours in one room just looking around…

By Riddle of the Sphinx Testimonials, Testimonials No Comments

I just love the Riddle of the Sphinx, I could spend hours in one room just looking around. The graphics are fantastic. I was watching a documentary on ancient Egypt that was showing on the Discovery channel, they were discussing the great pyramids, they showed the archeologist going inside the main entrance,crawling through a small tunnel and come to the kings chamber…I was thrilled to say Oh wow I was in that room!!!

– Denise LeBlanc

The game was just excellent…

By Riddle of the Sphinx Testimonials, Testimonials No Comments

Hi! I got this game for Christmas from my dad and when we got home we started playing and have been playing till the end. The game was just excellent but I was wondering if you were going to make anymore games with this theme. In the very end when Gil is talking he says the places on the keys were all connected and that the next adventure would take us there. I do hope you make more games at Stonehenge, Bermuda Triangle, Atlantis, Statues at Easter Island, and the Mayan Temples. Oh please email me back and tell me your making some more games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

– Donna