I just wanted to say thank you for a TERRIFIC game! My husband bought it for me for Christmas and I can’t seem to tear myself away from the computer. Thanks so much! ; )Take care,
– Mel Hageman = )
I just wanted to say thank you for a TERRIFIC game! My husband bought it for me for Christmas and I can’t seem to tear myself away from the computer. Thanks so much! ; )Take care,
– Mel Hageman = )
Everyone that has contacted me has said what a super game this is..as a lover of ancient Egypt, I am sure anxious to play the game…Thanks again and I am very grateful that you took the time to respond.
I love this game. You and Karen are heroes to bring us such a fine gift right at Christmas time. And, I also commend DreamCatcher for its part in bringing your current masterpiece to market. This is one fine game! We appreciate you, Jeff!!!!
— Love, Witchen =O) :):):)
Again, your game is a MASTERPIECE . I am hoping it will be voted best adventure game of 2001. Sincerely,
– Beth Scott
I am pretty deep into the game now (or at least the pyramid!!) This is truly an amazing experience. It is non-linear and there are so many places to go even without solving a single problem. Well other than a few minor advancements at the very beginning. At first it felt strange to find room after room, picking up tons of artifacts – without having a clearly defined path or even using the items. Then I finally got some long game play and felt like I was really in the pyramid, sifting the sand – warily approaching dark corridors and cautiously opening chamber doors. My knapsack has a collection of strange and beautiful items. Some – their use is now apparent – but I haven’t even gotten back to the chambers where they seem to be useful. There is still more to explore. I love this game. What a deal for $20.00 or even it cost a lot more. I have paid $30.00 to take the kids to a two hour movie and buy refreshments. Can’t even come close to the hours I have already had with ROTS. Well done!!
– Laura
Folks if you’re not playing this one you are really missing out. Great 1st person game that really makes me feel like an archeologist. I’m wandering around some of the most beautiful rooms I’ve ever seen in any game. So far lots of clues for the taking but little in the way of solutions for my part and I don’t even care. I’m so glad I bought this one. The creators are way ahead of the rest of the pack with this one.
– Debra
– GameBoomers
WONDERFUL!!!! I love this game, but have been soooooo lost. I haven’t checked the walk through yet, but know I will, and often.
It is the MOST FABULOUS GAME. The next to the last puzzle (Sacred Pool) is almost mystical and spiritual with the ambiance in the 6 tombs. You have got to play this game!
– GameBoomers post
I’m just inside the tent, but I love ROTS. It’s my kind of game. It’s right up my alley ….slideshow ……inventory ….a little VR ……lonely…..great music and graphics. I loved the candle bit….. I kind of like the VR…..it gives me a chance to scope the area deciding where I want to go without the limited slideshow moves, and the graphic change is a great warning VR is working.. As for saving……there is “save” and “save as”. I use the latter and name the save whatever I want. I also choose to put it in documents. I think ROTS is very Riven like.
-GameBoomers post
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